16.6 C
3 Maggio, 2024

#FridaysForFuture, milioni di giovani manifestano in tutto il Mondo

Alla vigilia deVertice ONU sul Clima, che si apre il 23 settembre a New York, milioni di giovani, e non solo, in tutto il Mondo hanno manifestato per chiedere azioni immediate per contrastare il riscaldamento globale.

Greta Thunberg



Over 4 million on today. In 163 countries. And counting…
If you belong to the small number of people who feel threatened by us, then we we have some very bad news for you:
This is just the beginning. Change is coming – like it or not.

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Greta Thunberg



The estimated number in New York is over 250’000! They closed the park because there were too many people… I’m speaking soon at Battery Park.

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Il movimento #FridaysForFuture nato dall’iniziativa della ragazza svedese Greta Thumberg ha mobilitato una quantità incredibile di persone in tutti i continenti, dimostrando una capacità di presa senza precedenti.

Greta Thunberg



When we say we strike on all continents – we mean ALL continents. This is Antarctica. https://twitter.com/psycho_kriller/status/1175117813511598083 

Dr. Kim Bernard@psycho_kriller

Climate change is not a possibility for the distant future, it is the REALITY OF TODAY!!! It’s time to rise before it’s too late. We support you, climate strikers. With love and hope from Antarctica.#ClimateStrike #FridaysForFuture

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From New York to Mumbai, climate protesters flooded the streets in cities around the globe, marching out of their schools, homes and workplaces to demand action on climate change https://cnn.it/30AtkAn 

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Leah Namugerwa@NamugerwaLeah

School strike Week 33 and part of the global to demand urgent in Uganda @GretaThunberg

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Greta Thunberg



Stockholm! Miss you all.. https://twitter.com/FFF_Sweden/status/1175150698025144321 

FridaysForFuture Sweden@FFF_Sweden

Över 10 000 ungdomar tog över gatorna för att kräva att våra politiker ska agera för att stoppa klimatkrisen! #FridaysForFuture #GlobalClimateStrike #GlobalClimateStrikes

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Haggai Matar



Tel Aviv: 150 teens at . There are hundreds more in protests throughout Israel-Palestine, but nothing like protests we’re seeing around the world. Awareness to in Israel is minimalhttps://972mag.com/climate-change-israel-palestine/142669/ 

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350 dot org



Brazil showed up in so many ways for .

Photos from Brasilia!

Photo credit: WWF Brazil

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Fridays For Future Russia@Fridaysforfut20

Нижний Новгород!

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YouthStrike4Climate 🌍@Strike4Youth

THOUSANDS: people turned out across the UK today. It was epic. 🔥 To keep hearing from us, sign up: http://ukscn.org/r/youth_live 

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Greta Thunberg



Kabul, Afghanistan https://twitter.com/azeen/status/1175066318384640001 

Azeen Ghorayshi



incredible photo of young Afghan women leading today’s climate strike in Kabul, flanked by armed guards (Ebrahim Noroozi/AP)

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Dr. Lucky Tran


A beautiful stream of faces, young and old in Dublin, Ireland!

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Dr. Lucky Tran



The Tokyo keeps going strong, marching through the streets of Shibuya

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Fridays for Future Hamburg⚓️@fff_hamburg

Hamburg, du machst uns sprachlos! 💚 Wir sind 100.000 Menschen, die heute gemeinsam für konsequente Klimapolitik auf die Straße gehen. Das ist ein klares Signal an das : Was ihr vorhabt, reicht lange nicht aus! 🌍

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Alex Steffen



“The largest demonstration in Australian history…”

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Ora davvero si attendono i fatti concreti da parte dei governi, per dare una risposta a questa presa di coscienza collettiva che coinvolge l’opinione pubblica di tutto il Mondo.

António Guterres



My message to young people:

You are leading the way in the urgent race against the climate crisis.
You are standing up and speaking out.
You are on the right side of history.
Keep pushing us to do the right thing.https://un.org/sg/en/content/sg/statement/2019-09-20/secretary-generals-remarks-the-international-day-of-peace-student-observance-delivered 

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L’Ufficio Stampa del rende noto il testo della dichiarazione che il Presidente ha firmato con altri Capi di Stato e di Governo in occasione del Summit delle Nazioni Unite in programma a New York il 23 settembre 2019: http://l.quirinale.it/nPKlz 


Dichiarazione in occasione del Climate Action Summit ONU di New York

Dichiarazione in occasione del Climate Action Summit ONU di New York


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